Sharing and preserving one's ethnic culture, music, and dance is an essential way of passing down traditions and promoting cultural diversity. By doing so, we not only honor our ancestors and their way of life, but we also enrich our own lives and those of future generations.

Through music and dance, we can express our emotions, tell stories, and celebrate our cultural identity. It is a powerful tool for connecting with others, creating a sense of community, and bridging cultural divides.

When we transfer our ethnic culture, music, and dance to our children, we give them a deeper understanding of who they are and where they come from. We teach them to appreciate and respect different cultures, promoting tolerance and empathy.

Moreover, learning about our ethnic culture and traditions can help our children develop a sense of pride and self-esteem, fostering a positive self-image and promoting a healthy sense of identity.

In summary, sharing our ethnic culture, music, and dance with our children is a valuable way of preserving and promoting cultural diversity, connecting with others, and instilling a sense of pride and self-esteem in future generations.